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WP4_DS training in practice
Istituto Luigi Sturzo together with ECCOM and Museo Civico of zoology is organising is local Ds EU-enlargement stories Workshop targeted to 15 museum educators dealing everyday with adults in the suburban areas of Roma. Among the issues discussed in the first meeting with the trainees how can museums contribute to the discuss of an enlarged Europe. The process […]
Adoption of renewed European Agenda for Adult Learning .
In the face of constant change and the consequences of the economic crisis, adults regularly need to enhance their personal and professional skills and competences. Given the current instability in the labour market and the need to reduce social exclusion, this applies particularly to the low skilled […]
International DS Workshop in Budapest (21-25 March 2012)

European Digital Stories The Anthropolis Association will organize a 5-day international adult workshop in Budapest, Hungary, between 21st-25th March 2012. The objectives of the residential workshop are to learn the Digital Storytelling (DST) method through making small videos on European identity and cultural diversity.
3rd partners’ meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania 18th-21th October

The 3rd partners’ meeting is taking place shortly in Lithuania. Host organization is Modern Didatics Center This meeting is a turning point for project activities, after the training in Turkey where 21 trainers have created their personal stories on eu-enlargement topics and on how they feel to be Europeans, now it’s time to transfer […]
Train the Trainer Workshop in Turkey

Each member of the DeTALES project consortium invited three trainers from their home countries for an intense five days workshop on Digital Storytelling. The workshop was hosted by Degder – Denizli Eğitim Gönüllüleri Derneği (Association of Denizli Education Volunteers), and took place in Denizli, Turkey. The workshop started on 16th September with the current debate […]
Turkey here we come
The train the trainers training in Turkey in Denizli is going to start next week September the 15th! The training will gather 21 trainers from Bulgary, Italy, Uk, Germany, Hungary, Turkey, Lithuania around a story circle sharing stories on Eu-enlargement! Check the stories on this website very soon! Good luck to all the participants! […]
EU closes accession negotiations with Croatia
30/06/2011 News from European Commission – Enlargement: EU Member States decided on 30 June to close accession negotiations with Croatia, which should allow for the signature of the Accession Treaty by the end of the year. Following the ratification procedure in all Member States and Croatia, accession is foreseen for 1 July 2013. This decision […]
Pass the dragon
“No matter what form the dragon may take, it is of this mysterious passage past him, or into his jaws, that stories of any depth will always be concerned to tell, and this being the case, it requires considerable courage at any time, in any country, not to turn away from the storyteller.” Flannery O’Connor, […]