Take a look at Roland Hölzing’s stories from Germany, trainee in the workshop on Turkey: My Grandad’s Pipe (vimeo.com/38703076 – in English) Die Reise zum Weintor (vimeo.com/35461245 – in German) and developed from an idea he had on the route to Pamukkale. As kind of technical excercises he tried some stop-motion, too: “How to secure […]
Grundtvig Course-Become an European digital storyteller!
Dear All, We would like to invite you to our course on Digitalstorytelling: Would you like to share your point of view on this Enlarged Europe? This is your chance to become an European digital storyteller! Title Detales:_Digital education through Adult learners’ Eu-enlargement stories Reference Number: IT-2012-834-001 Start Date: 29/09/2012 End date: 05/10/2012 Location: Sofia – Bulgaria @ Bulgarian […]
European Digital Stories workshop in Budapest

European Digital Stories workshop in Budapest 20 digital story films were successfully made during an international storytelling workshop in Budapest, organised by the Anthropolis Association (21-25 March 2012). The participants came from 12 European countries (Bulgaria, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom), mostly teachers or possible multiplicators who […]
Apply for a Comenius -Grundtvig in-service training course in digitalstorytelling and Eu-enlargement
Dear All, the Luigi Sturzo Institute is organising a grundtvig training in course in Sofia @ the Bulgaon Digitalstorytelling and Eu-enlargement from 29 September 2012 till 5th October 2012. Check our course on the Comenius-Grundtvig training databse http://ec.europa.eu/education/trainingdatabase/index.cfm?fuseaction=DisplayCourse&cid=32362 reference number on IT-2012-834-001 Title Detales_Digital education through Adult learners’ Eu-enlargement stories Apply for a in service Grundtvig or Comenius mobility grant to […]
What happened in Valencia @relato digitalstorytelling
The DeTALES project was presented @the conference in Valencia “Relato digitalstorytelling” . The aim of the conference was to gather those who want to share and explore these new pedagogical/socio-cultural dimensions of digital storytelling as well as learn how the use of technology has helped transform the whole experience of storytelling into something more personal and […]